Gary Friendshuh

Just a Family man with stories to share. 

I am first and foremost a father and grandfather. I have never considered myself a writer and I have not written anything in hope of any financial gain. One hundred percent of any profit, if any, shall be given to charity. I wrote A Path Less Taken for family and to encourage others to tell their story. From the original book I created "One Man". It had most all of the stories but left out things that perhaps only immediate family would be interested in. I then put some of the stories I used in helping me raise my boys in a book. Stories For All Ages. I am now in the process of telling the story of how I raised my five sons. I am doing all of this in hopes that some of what is written may be of help to family or anyone else. I am so grateful for all my blessings and the way I am able to live, and hopefully some of what I have written is a way of giving back.

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