Dan Syljuberget

Born and raised in Aberdeen, South Dakota until moving to Oregon at age 16, Dan Syljuberget (Sil-you-berg-it) has been an educator in South Dakota and Wyoming schools, colleges, and universities for over two decades. In addition to his Alaska experiences, Syljuberget earned his Doctorate in Education and currently lives and works as an educator in Wyoming while maintaining close ties to family in South Dakota, Oregon, and Manitoba. An outdoor enthusiast, Syljuberget enjoys hiking, wildlife observation, and bicycling. He occasionally sings, plays the guitar, and writes nonfiction. His writings follow his passion for three main themes: 1) the relationship between humans and nature; 2) Indigenous American cultural continuity and sociological transition; and 3) the narrative voice, such as story-telling, as a powerful research and learning tool. 

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