Black Hills Books Press

Black Hills Books Press

BHBP works with South Dakotan authors to develop regional expertise in publishing, and to identify outlets, partnerships, and collaborations to support literature within the region. 

"We hope to find unknown authors and new work by better-known authors statewide, and to encourage them in publishing their individual work," said BHBP's editor-in-chief, Barb Evenson. "We know there are many fine writers who have not yet had the opportunity to be published, and we are very excited to see the submissions we receive. We also hope to identify authors who might publish volumes of their own as they learn more about how the publishing process works."

Our work is possible only with the support of our generous sponsors and donors. South Dakota Arts Council support is provided with funds from the State of South Dakota through the Legislature and Department of Tourism and the National Endowment for the Arts. Infrastructure is partially funded by the Rapid City Arts Council, in partnership with the City of Rapid City. 

Books by BHBooks Press

Steve Thorpe Walking Wounded

Anna Martinez Cats

Notes from the Badlands (reprinting this year)

Gary Friendshuh Stories

    two versions of his autobiography

Barb Evenson The Shadow Tiger

Barb Evenson / Nancy McDonald China Visions

Anton Kaiser Joan of Arc leadership

Cyclorama books

High Plains Writers anthology

Kim Alarie Poems 

Dan Syljuberget Drifting Yukon

Patti Rudge Cookbook 

      mystery novels